In Diversity There Is Beauty And There Is Strength

Respecting each other and showing love for one another builds strong communities. This was illustrated beautifully at The Lord’s Table recently when AAi, Abrahamic Alliance International, cooked and served a delicious BBQ dinner for our homeless community in the South County.  The spicy barbecue chicken, seasoned beans, garlic bread, fresh tossed green salad, colorful fruit […]

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Service as a Way of Life

  St Joseph’s Family Center wants to acknowledge all who served our country…and continue to serve. Two of these such veterans are Robert Scholtens and Chet Kirby. Bob served in the Marine Corp in Okinawa and Germany (1960-1967). He has been a passionate and unwavering volunteer with SJFC for 16 years! Chet served three tours […]

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Volunteering All in the Family

Ken and Nancy McDonald have been volunteering at SJFC faithfully for the past 6 years! When a call went out at Gilroy Presbyterian Church for a need of volunteers, Ken and Nancy immediately responded. “We enjoy meeting new people and spreading the word about SJFC and all of its services to the community.” In addition […]

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Volunteer Profile: Roger and Carol Bennett

Roger and Carol Bennett started volunteering at St. Joseph’s Family Center about six years ago, when a discussion at a bible study prompted them into taking action to fend off poverty in their community. “As our group discussed many scriptures regarding not forgetting the poor, it became very clear that serving others needed to become […]

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Volunteer Profile: Olivia Altamirano

For 18-year-old Olivia Altamirano, life is more than just going through the process of college and finding a job. This young lady has taken that extra step in helping the community around her through volunteer work as well. Olivia volunteers for St. Joseph’s Family Center, assisting at the Wheeler Manor hot meals program. She helps […]

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Pushing Produce Every Monday!

“So many times you feel helpless on what to do to help others, volunteering and donating to SJFC makes me feel less helpless and that I am making a difference in someone else’s life.”~ Cindy

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    “You are wonderful. My son is in town to visit me and you made it possible for me to cook him a meal. It made me feel good to be able to do that for him. It made him feel like old times.” ~ Brenda (homeless)