Partnering with St. Joseph’s

If your business, church or organization would like to become a partner in eliminating homelessness and food insecurity in our community, we would love to hear from you by using the contact list below. Your advocacy, volunteerism and financial support are key components to making a difference – both now and in the future.


Please contact:


Administration/Advocacy/Financial Gifts: David Cox, Executive Director 408.842.6662 x25


Take a Tour/Find Out More Ways to Help: Vicky Martin, Director of Community Engagement 408.842.6662 x30

“So many times you feel helpless on what to do to help others, volunteering and donating to SJFC makes me feel less helpless and that I am making a difference in someone else’s life.”~ Cindy

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    “You are wonderful. My son is in town to visit me and you made it possible for me to cook him a meal. It made me feel good to be able to do that for him. It made him feel like old times.” ~ Brenda (homeless)