What We Do
Food Assistance Pantry
The Food Pantry is the oldest and largest program that St. Joseph’s operates. Low income families and individuals receive nutritious, balanced food baskets, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, that help them maintain a proper diet and physical well-being. Homeless receive nourishing and filling lunch bags daily, Monday through Friday. The Food Pantry established and supports 10 off-site pantries located in schools and agencies throughout the South County.
Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance
St. Joseph’s Family Center secures funding from government sources to assist families in a situation of crisis, caused by circumstances beyond their control (i.e. loss of employment). We help subsidize the cost of entering new housing, help them maintain their current housing and/or utility service with timely financial assistance.
Homeless Outreach/UPLIFT/TAP Transit Pass Program
St. Joseph’s Family Center is the area liaison to homeless services. While we do not own housing nor operate a shelter, we can provide you with links to area services, both in Gilroy and throughout the County.
We work with the County of Santa Clara and Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) on the UPLIFT and TAP Transit Pass Programs. These programs provides quarterly or monthly transit passes.
Gilroy Street Team
The Gilroy Street Team (GST) employs homeless and formerly homeless individuals to assist with beautification projects around the City of Gilroy. Participation is rewarded with vouchers for food, clothing, transportation and other necessities. The participants also receive training and job coaching that can help them enter the workforce. Perhaps the greatest gift is the restoration of the team member’s dignity and sense of pride in being able to give back to the community.
Gilroy Place
This HUD funded housing program is designed to serve chronically homeless individuals with a disabling condition. This “housing first” model provides permanent housing, intensive case management, employment support and counseling services to help stabilize the lives of those who have been living on the streets for years – but now have a solid base in which to improve their self-sufficiency and overall well-being.
Our New Place
St. Joseph’s Family Center works with Santa Clara County’s Office of Supportive Housing, and the county-wide Coordinated Assessment, to help identify families who are experiencing domestic violence, and are coming from a temporary shelter. This “housing first” model provides permanent housing, intensive case management, employment support and counseling services to help stabilize the lives of those who have been victims of domestic violence and move them towards better health, self-sufficiency and overall well-being.
Ochoa Center & Gilroy Armory Cold Weather Shelter Programs
SJFC has been contracted by the County of Santa Clara to lead the coordinated referrals at two South County cold weather shelters: the Ochoa Family Shelter, serving 35 homeless families and the Gilroy Armory. The seasonal programs include case management services, transportation, access to employment services and linkages to benefit entitlements.
Homeless Prevention
St. Joseph’s is part of a county-wide Homeless Prevention program, together with six other safety net agencies. This pilot program will run for two years and will add to overall plan in Santa Clara County to alleviate, prevent and eliminate homelessness.
“So many times you feel helpless on what to do to help others, volunteering and donating to SJFC makes me feel less helpless and that I am making a difference in someone else’s life.”~ Cindy