Volunteering All in the Family

Nancy McDonald

Ken McDonald

Ken and Nancy McDonald have been volunteering at SJFC faithfully for the past 6 years! When a call went out at Gilroy Presbyterian Church for a need of volunteers, Ken and Nancy immediately responded. “We enjoy meeting new people and spreading the word about SJFC and all of its services to the community.”
In addition to volunteering at the weekly Push Produce and picking up donations from local retailers, they also volunteer at The Lord’s Table once a month.

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Pushing Produce Every Monday!

“So many times you feel helpless on what to do to help others, volunteering and donating to SJFC makes me feel less helpless and that I am making a difference in someone else’s life.”~ Cindy

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    “You are wonderful. My son is in town to visit me and you made it possible for me to cook him a meal. It made me feel good to be able to do that for him. It made him feel like old times.” ~ Brenda (homeless)